It’s true! Sasquatch has been sighted at Yahoo Farm on the Haunted Treasure Forest
Hayride in Jasper, Georgia. Patrons have reported seeing Sir Hillary Marmalade, world
famous Sasquatch tracker and that rascally Sasquatch on the Yahoo Farm Haunted
Treasure Forest Hayride. Hayride passenger Bob exclaimed,“Sasquatch was standing right
behind Sir Hillary Marmalade and he didn’t even see him!” Only time will tell if the totally
oblivious Sir Hillary Marmalade can finally nab the ever illusive Sasquatch. After so many
years of relentless tracking and countless close encounters with the supernatural slollicum
Sir Hillary Marmalade my finally, unwittingly, outfox his quarry. Don’t miss this chance to
experience the dynamic duo in action Saturday nights in October. There will be Sasquatch
bait for everyone (candy and beads). Just imagine how exciting it would be to snag your
very own Sasquatch! See ya then!